Let’s Get Out After School Outside
We are excited to expand our outdoor offerings to include after-school programming - After School Outside. Children will experience the same, high-quality outdoor programming we offer in our summer programs. This class allows children to get outside after a long school day, explore our local natural areas through nature-based activities, games, and projects. As with all of our programs, we create opportunities for children to build their social skills, work as a team, learn to assess risk, and speak up for their needs.
Registration is open!
Our After School Outside class is a one-day-per-week class open for children in 2nd-5th grade. Pick up is at Westside Elementary and May Street Elementary on Thursdays. Each class includes transportation to and from school.
Join the waitlist.
Did you miss getting into the class you wanted? Enter your name and email address to be added to the After School Outside waitlist. Don’t worry. We don’t share your information with outside parties.